这么以来在多种利益的冲突之下不可能找到利益的平衡点这对中韩关系不会有实质的促进。至于韩国经济嘛李明博本来就是打工皇帝经济是他的强项 他在经济上的成功引领了无数青年对他的顶礼膜拜(这也是他竞选成功的一个重要因素),韩国经济应该会在他的带领下有所复苏。
李明博(이명박,1941年12月19日-),韩国政治家。本贯“庆州李氏”,号一松、清溪。生于日本大阪中河内郡加美村。曾任大韩民国汉城特别市(今首尔)市长,前任大韩民国总统。 李明博早年毕业于高丽大学商学部,后来进入现代集团旗下现代建设工作长达27年。1992年起从政,当选国会议员;2002年任汉城特别市市长;2007年当选为大韩民国总统。2012年8月10日,李明博总统以强硬姿态登上韩日具有历史领土争议的独岛,引起日本国内一片哗然;12月2日,李明博总统在接受各国媒体记者采访时称:“登上独岛理所当然,系视察韩国领土”。
Lee Myung-bak (pronounced /ˈliː ˈmjʊŋˌbæk/ or Korean [i.mʲʌŋ.bak̚]) born 19 December 1941) is the President of South Korea. After 27 years of working at the multinational company Hyundai, he entered politics. He was mayor of Seoul and is a member of the Grand National Party. He is credited with normalising South Korea's relations with the USSR, while Amnesty International has criticised his human rights record.
Early life and education
In his autobiography "There is no such thing as Myth", Lee notes he was born in the then-Korean residential district of Nakakawachi-gun, Osaka Prefecture, Japan (now Hirano-ku, Osaka City). On his birth certificate Lee's Japanese name is Tsukiyama Akihiro (月山明博 ,츠키야마 아키히로, つきやま あきひろ). At the time his father, Lee Cheung-woo (이층우), worked as a farm hand on a cattle ranch in Japan. His mother, Chae Tae-won (채태원) was a housewife and a devout Presbyterian. Lee has three brothers and three sisters and is the fifth of seven children. After the end of World War II in 1945, his family returned to his father's hometown Pohang, Gyeongsangbuk-do, South Korea.
During the Korean War, Lee's family lived in poverty. This provided Lee with a contrast from his time in Japan, where his father could afford to send money home and was able to bring Lee's cousins to Japan to study. Like many other children during the war, Lee sold matches and rice rolls outside military bases. He formed a cartel with other students, demonstrating his budding leadership abilities.
In Korea in the 1950s, secondary education was reserved for the privileged. Lee's elder brother was considered the hope of the family, and Lee did not expect to attend high school. However, his teacher suggested allowing Lee to attend Dongji Commercial High School in Pohang, with a full scholarship. The school offered night classes, allowing him to work during the day and study at night. It is rumored that he had many problematic affairs there, constantly causing trouble to the very teacher who was his benefactor.
A year after graduating from high school, Lee gained admission to University. In his autobiography, Lee recounts working odd jobs to put himself through college. In 1964, during his third year in college, Lee was elected president of the student council. That year, Lee participated in student demonstrations against President Park Chung-hee's Seoul-Tokyo Talks. He was charged with plotting insurrection and was sentenced to five years probation and three years of imprisonment by the Supreme Court of Korea. He served a little under three months of his term at the infamous Seodaemun prison (서대문 형무소) in Seoul. That year, pro-democracy demonstrations by students peaked and public sentiment concerning the 'Seoul-Tokyo Talks' on restitution for the colonization of the Korean peninsula was tremendous.
Lee is married to Kim Yun-ok (b. 1947) and has three daughters and one son. Lee is also a declared Christian and an elder at Somang Presbyterian Church in Seoul.
Business career
In 1965, Lee started to work at Hyundai (then a little known mid-sized company called Hyundai Construction) which was awarded a contract to build the Pattani-Narathiwat Highway in Thailand. The US$5.2 million project was Korea's first-ever overseas construction contract. Despite being a new employee, Lee was sent to Thailand to participate in the project. The project was successfully completed in March 1968, and Lee returned to Korea and was subsequently given charge of Hyundai's heavy machinery plant in Seoul.
It was during his three decades with the Hyundai Group that Lee earned the nickname "Bulldozer". In one instance, he completely dismantled a bulldozer to study its mechanism and figure out why it kept breaking down.
Lee became a company director at the age of 29 - just five years after he joined the company - and CEO at age 35, becoming Korea's youngest ever CEO. In 1988, he was named the chairman of Hyundai Construction at the age of 47.
When he started at Hyundai in 1965, it had 90 employees; when he left as chairman after 27 years, it had more than 160,000. Soon after the successful completion of the Pattani-Narathiwat Highway by Hyundai Construction, Korea's construction industry began to focus their efforts on encouraging the creation of new markets in countries such as Vietnam and the Middle East. Following the decline of construction demands from Vietnam in the 60s, Hyundai construction turned their eyes toward the Middle East and continued to be a major player in construction projects, with the successful completion of such vital international projects as the Arab Shipbuilding & Repair Yard, the Diplomatic Hotel in Bahrain and the Jubail Industrial Harbor Projects in Saudi Arabia, also known as 'the great history of the 20th century'. At that time, the amount of orders received by the Korean construction company exceeded US$10 billion and this contributed in overcoming the national crisis resulting from the oil shock.
After leaving Hyundai at the end of a 27-year career, he decided to enter politics.
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