

时间: 2023-09-30 20:39:08











Abundant(充足的;丰富的)→ ample / plentiful / generous

Attract one's attention→ capture one's attention

Amazing→ incredible / unbelievable / improbable / fabulous / wonderful / fantastic / astonishing / astounding / awesome / extraordinary / spectacular / magnificent

Angry→ furious / enraged / wrathful / indignant / exasperated / mad / aroused / inflamed

Advice→ suggestion / recommendation / instruction / tip / direction / admonition / counsel / proposal

Aspect→ facet / demension / sphere

Brave→ courageous / bold / fearless

Big→ vast / massive / enormous / tremendous / titantic / considerable / giant

Boring→ dull / tiresome / tedious

Common→ commonplace / universal / pervasive

Clever→ intelligent / bright / wise / smart / clear-sighted / astute / sharp-witted / leery / resourceful

Cause→ give rise to / lead to / result in / trigger

Can→ be able to do / be capable of doing sth. / have access to / be competent to do / have the ability to do

Different→ various / a variety of / varieties of / diverse

Difficult→ demanding / laborious / formidable

Doubtful→ skeptical / suspicious / incredulous

Energetic→ dynamic / animated / vigorous

Famous→ renowned / noticeable / notable / exceptional / ditinguished / eminent / prominent

Focus(重视)→ put emphasis on / emphasize / highlight / attach importance to / give priority to

Good→ excellent / outstanding / distinguished / extraordinary / remarkable / superior / tremendous / decent

Get→ obtain / attain / achieve / acquire / have access to / gain / reap / procure

Helpful→ favorable / beneficial / rewarding / contribute to

Have→ enjoy / possess / own

Happy→ delightful / cheerful / glad / pleased / elated / joyful / jubilant / blissful / chuffed / upbeat / chipper / thrilled / ebullient / ecgtatic

Harmful→ damaging / ruinous / destructive / dreadful / unfoavorable / adverse / negative / deteriorating / inferior / devastating

Important→ vital / crucial / prominent / cardinal / significant / critical / essential / indispensable / profound(意义深远的) / far-reaching(影响广泛的) /

Interesting→ amusing / entertaining / engaging

Ignore(忽视)→ neglect / overlook / fail to take into account

Many→ quite number of / a considerable number of / an overwhelming majority of / vast majority of / a crowd of / a host of / multitude of / plenty of / scores of / dozens of / large amount of / a great deal of( 这两个后接不可数名词) / an ocean of / enormous / an army of

New→ brand-new / novel / up to date / fresh / span-new / spick-and-span(崭新的;一尘不染的) / fire-new / span-new(崭新的) / in mint condition / neo-(前缀-新的)

Only→ solely / unique / merely

Poor→ needy / in need / impoverished / in poverty

Pay attention to→ pour attention to

Reasonable→ sound / rational / sensible

Peple/person→ individuals / characters / folks / youngsters / adolescent / inhabitant / citizens / mankind / dweller / resident

Problem→ issue / trouble / matter

Rich→ wealthy / well-heeled / well-to-do

Should→ be supposed to/ought to

Some→ a slice of / quite a few / several

Solve→ deal with / handle / tackle / work out / settle / cope with / address

Sad→ depressed / gloomy / under the weather / frustrated

sb. take interest in/sb. be interested in→ sth appeals to sb. / sth exerts a tremendous fascination on sb.

Think→ reckon / habor the idea that / take the attitude that / hold the view that / it is widely/universally shared/acknowledged that / claim / believe / assume / maintain / argue / ponder / mediate / advocate / contend / deem / claim / be convinced that /

Thing→ business / matter / affair

Unnecessary→ avoidable / hardly necessary / hardly inevitable

Very→ exceedingly / extremely / intensely

Walk/Read→ cover

Worried→ anxious / apprehensive / fraught

Way→ method / measure / solution / approach /

Want→ long for doing sth. / yearn for doing sth. / be thirsty to / thirst for doing sth / eager to do / intend to do / tend to do



起早贪黑→夙兴夜寐 不忘初心→初心如磐

不顾风雨→栉风沐雨 无需怀疑→母庸置疑

指出问题→针砭时弊 相互配合→交相辉映

支离破碎→分崩离析 高雅艺术→黄钟大吕

到处都是→俯拾皆是 通俗艺术→山歌村笛

随手拿来→信手拈来 彻底醒悟→醍醐灌顶

欣喜若狂→额手称庆 臭味相投→沆瀣一气

众望所归→深孚众望 表现突出→大放异彩

继续下去→薪火绵延 发光发亮→熠熠生辉

事到如今→迄今为止 相差极大→云泥之别

信守承诺→守信然诺 同心协力→和衷共济

克服困难→共克时艰 荒凉破败→断井颓垣

归根结底→静言思之 情势紧迫→迫在眉睫

发人深省→掷地有声 胸怀坦荡→光风霁月

艰苦奋斗→筚路蓝缕 力量单薄→独木难支

下定决心→矢志不移 永不止步→驰而不息

着急→焦灼 熟悉→熟稔

消失→泯灭 质问→诘问

清除→涤荡 很快→倏忽

加持→赋能 安静→静谧

插嘴→置喙 记载→镌刻

束缚?桎梏 波纹→涟漪

拜访→拜谒 缠绵?缱绻

虚度→蹉跎 缺失→匮乏

坚持→秉持 落后→滞后

徘徊→踯躅 关系→关联

观看→饱览 抬头→昂首

卷入→裹挟 暗淡→幽黯

匆忙?倥偬 天边→天际

随即→旋即 奇怪→吊诡

磨练→淬炼 放弃→摒弃

从前→昔日 选拔→遴选

惋惜→唏嘘 继承→秉承

停止→停滞 熟知→谙悉

启示→昭示 奇怪→吊诡

标准→圭臬 放弃→摒弃

回头→回眸 选拔→遴选

片刻→须臾 继承→秉承

遵守→恪守 熟知→谙悉

呆板→木讷 努力→砥砺

吵闹→聒噪 措施→举措

吸取→汲取 勇敢→勇毅


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